jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

the married with fourteen children

hi marlon=jessica
hi jessica hi santiago=marlon
how is it going=jessica
terriffic and how about you=marlon
we are so good now we are married=santiago
yes, we have just arrive in colombia=jessica
where were you=marlon
we were in Aruba =jessica
in ours honeys moon=santiago
great,how many children do you have=marlon
we have fourteen children=santiago
oh¡¡¡¡ my god, and why=marlon
because we wanted to have a big family=jessica
how do you live=marlon
whywhy have a important hospital and
Medellin and it is very recognized in the world=santiago
what is its name=marlon
its name is children home =jessica
what have you been doing =santiago
i have been studing and working very much:marlon

what do you do now:santiago

i`m the linux president:marlon

wow ¡ is very interesting :yessica

what are you doing here :santiago

i`m on holidays with my family:marlon

by the way where do you live :yessica

i live in canada with my wife :marlon

what is her name:santiago

her name`s laura:marlon

on the other hand how many children do you have:yessica

i do not have chiladren :marlon

it was nice talk to you :marlon

break a leg :marlon

ok....marlon now we meed get out :santiago

see ya :yessica

lunes, 28 de julio de 2008

domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008


yesterday =ayer
yesterday morning =ayer en mañana
yesterday at noon =ayer a el medio dia
yesterday afternoon ayer en la tarde
yesterday evening =ayer en la noche
last nigh= anoche, la noche anterior
today = hoy
this morning =esta mañana
at noon =al medio dia
this afternoon =esta tarde
this evening= esta noche
tomorrow =mañana
tomorrow morning =mañana en la mañana
the day before yesterday =anteayer
last sunday=el pasado domingo
next week =la proxima semana
last week=la semana pasada

greetings for all

my name is marlon peña , i life in la Virginia Risaralda i`m fourteen years old
i study in the school Alfonso lopez pumarejo i`m in nine grade
thank very much for visit my page