jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

i would like to travel to the Unates States America , but i some time i wonder if i should will go
there.my mother told me that i will older brother ,but i believe that i won`t whit him because
i like to travel alone.i could you take me ?my brother asks, but i tell him that i can`t , besides i didn`t see him the last week. so that will tavel alone again.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

hi marlon
hi ximena hi santiago
how is it goint
terrific and how about you
we are so good now we are married
yes,we have just arrive in colombia
where were you
we were in aruba
in ours honey moon
great, how many children do you have ?
we have fourteen children
oh¡ my god , and why
because we wanted to have a big family
how do you live ?
why have a important hospital and medellin
and it is very recognized in the world
what is it name ?
its name is CHILDREN HOME
what have you been doing
i have been studying and working a lot
what do you do now
i`m the linux president
wow¡ is very interesting
what are you doing here
i`m on holydays with my wife
by theway where do you live
i live in Canada with my wife

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008